Last August 2011, my wife noticed I'd spent over my budget and I had to put a hold on buying miniatures. At Christmas I got two Celtos figures: the chariot and the bagpiper. So I've slowly worked on painting them. All went well basically. Got a small magnifier also for Christmas and this really helps. However I got a new spay can of clear sealer in matte finish. Different brand, it left the figures more shiny then I'd like.

One of the oversights I feel about the Celtos figures is that there is no bagpiper for the Gaels, the bagpiper that does exist is sculpted for the Dwarf/Vanir group. So I added the piper with the Gaels. I still need to work on the dry brushing, sometimes I'm okay, but other times. . . I'm not very please with the piper's hair.
I've a new daughter-in-law, she hates playing any type of board game, so looks lie my hope of making Celtos a family game is down the gutter as far as including her. Bummer. Been very slow working on this project because I limited budget. So my posts will be sparse for a while.