Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Painting: round two

I've painted a new set of Irish miniatures for my village.  Did a little better on dry brushing, and one comment was that the flesh tone wasn't right and to try wet-washing with some brown, which I did and it does seem better. However, my eyes still are very bad.


  1. Not being too critical, the painting looks great, but just paint over the eyes they're too big or you could play zombie Irish ! he he!

  2. Great painting. I gave up doing eyes years ago, too hard to get right.

  3. Great looking paint job.

    I just found your blog and am very impressed by your work I look forward to following it.

  4. Great looking figures, look forward to seeing more and more!

  5. Great going it just takes time working out how things go together flesh can be the hardest but once you've got the look you're after you'll be right as far as the eyes go most of us these days don't do them unless paint for top price painting nothing worse than a great miniature with crazy eye's. Maybe you could try after you brown wash painting the same flesh colour again just leaving a bit of the first layer showing, I've got the link below shows how i do mine further down the page you'll see finsihed resuls
